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Project Name: Fountain Hills Area Drainage Master Study & Plan Update


Project Manager: Lee Jimenez
Contact by phone at (602) 506-4064 or by email

Project is in Supervisor District:

  • District 1: False
  • District 2: True
  • District 3: False
  • District 4: False
  • District 5: False

You can find your Supervisor District by clicking here.

Project Type: Study

Project Description:

The Fountain Hills ADMS/P U will identify and characterize existing drainage, flooding sources, and flooding hazards within the study area primarily due to land use changes, previous study age, hydrologic methods, modern mapping technologies, and population growth within the watershed. This includes two primary project goals: development of a comprehensive, detailed, multi-frequency FLO-2D model for the study area, and a flood hazard assessment. Major tasks will include compilation of the data collection results with the 2D model output to identify, quantify, and qualitatively describe significant drainage and flooding issues. Other supporting tasks include data collection, supplemental field survey (as needed), public outreach, and stakeholder coordination. Tasks may also include evaluation of past flood mitigation alternatives within the study area and updating of the original Area Drainage Master Plan as necessary, or recommendation of a revised Area Drainage Master Plan for the area with newly identified possible alternatives and a conceptual design (15% plan development and associated cost estimate) of selected alternatives. The primary use of this contract will be to update the Fountain Hills ADMP, completed in 1997.

Last Updated: 9/21/2021 7:51:14 AM

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Project Documents

Document Name Description Document Type Filesize Posted On  
Fountain Hills ADMS/P Flooding Feedback Poster Information on how to send flooding information to the District following storm events. PDF .25 9/21/2021 7:51:14 AM View