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Project Name: Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study


Project Manager: Unknown
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Project is in Supervisor District:

  • District 1: False
  • District 2: False
  • District 3: False
  • District 4: False
  • District 5: True

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Project Type: Study

Project Description:

The Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study identifies Special Flood Hazard Areas in a previously unstudied area in southern Maricopa County. Approximately 30 linear miles of floodplain are delineated along Vekol Wash and selected tributaries.

In 2022, Maricopa County submitted the study to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to include the 100-year floodplain along Vekol Wash on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).

FEMA has approved the study. Maricopa County will use the results to regulate development.

The new mapping will include the following flood hazard zones:

Zone AE: An area with a detailed delineation of a floodplain in which Base Flood Elevations have been determined. A Regulatory Floodway may be part of the delineation.

Zone A: Areas with a 1% annual chance of flooding and a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage

Zone X (shaded): Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year flood with average depths of less than one foot

What does this mean?

FEMA has approved the changes to the mapping in this area. However, the FIRM map change may take several years. 

The results are considered the best available information for the area and will be used by Maricopa County for permitting purposes.

For more information about floodplain map changes, visit

Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is available for any homes within or outside a delineated floodplain. Owners can check with their insurance agent to determine premiums. Obtaining an elevation certificate could lower the premium.

Your lender may require flood insurance once the floodplain becomes effective.

Flood insurance is always recommended to protect your investment.

FIRM information

You can find out past and present FIRM information for your property by contacting (602) 506-2419 or [email protected].

Last Updated: 12/11/2024 9:41:08 AM

Project Updates

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Project Documents

Document Name Description Document Type Filesize Posted On  
Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study Results 1/3 The results of the Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study. This map covers the most southern section of the study area. PDF 6 12/11/2024 7:41:53 AM View
Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study Results 2/3 The results of the Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study. This map covers the middle section of the study area. PDF 6 12/11/2024 7:43:41 AM View
Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study Results 3/3 The results of the Vekol Wash Floodplain Delineation Study. This map covers the northern section of the study area. PDF 5 12/11/2024 7:46:01 AM View