Project ListProject Map


Project Name: Rawhide Wash Flood Hazard Mitigation Project


Project Manager: Charles Stanley
Contact by phone at (602) 372-6111 or by email

Project is in Supervisor District:

  • District 1: False
  • District 2: True
  • District 3: False
  • District 4: False
  • District 5: False

You can find your Supervisor District by clicking here.

Project Type: Construction

Project Description:

For questions about the project call the construction hotline at (623) 825-3444 or visit the project website at

The Rawhide Wash Flood Mitigation Project will reduce flood risk and potential damage to properties and remove more than 850 homes and buildings from the floodplain. Phase 1 extends from Pinnacle Peak Road just east of Scottsdale Road to the Miller Road crossing. Phase 2 extends upstream from the Miller Road crossing to about a half-mile northeast of Happy Valley Road.

The project will design and construct a levee system to contain the 100-year flood along Rawhide Wash in Scottsdale. The project limits are from Pinnacle Peak Road to a half mile north of Happy Valley Road. The design phase will identify needed improvements to the existing walls and levees.  This will allow them to meet FEMA’s requirements. New walls and levees may be added as needed. When the design is completed, it will be submitted for FEMA review. 

Project History:

The project was originally formulated as the conveyance alternative in the Pinnacle Peak West Area Master Drainage Study. Rawhide Wash is currently identified on FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps as an active alluvial fan floodplain with high flows during major storm events. There are more than 850 buildings located with the FEMA delineated Special Flood Hazard Area. The implementation of this project has the potential of mapping these buildings out of the floodplain. 

Flood Insurance Questions?

When construction is finished, the project team will submit a final report to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for review. FEMA will confirm that the completed project as built meets the requirements to mitigate a 100-year flood and will remap the floodplain accordingly. Once that is completed FEMA will issue what is called a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) making the new floodplain boundaries official.
FEMA will notify the project partners, including the City of Scottsdale, when new floodplain boundaries are effective. The City will notify homeowners who can contact their lender or mortgage company to determine what updates to make to their coverage. It’s hard to estimate how long the map revision process will take. Homeowners should keep their flood insurance in place for the time being. 

Last Updated: 9/3/2024 12:05:38 PM

Project Updates

Construction Status:
Posted On: 4/28/2023 9:57:54 AM

The Rawhide Flood Mitigation project is in full swing between Pinnacle Peak Road and the future Miller Road realignment. Rock-filled gabions, designed to protect the existing wash, are being installed, and residential walls are being enhanced to withstand a 100-year flood. Native plant salvage continues every day, with hundreds of saguaros, trees and smaller cacti saved to replant after construction is complete. 

In the coming months, work crews will continue north past Miller Road towards Happy Valley Road where this project terminates.

Construction Status:
Posted On: 1/27/2023 1:18:24 PM

The Rawhide Wash Flood Hazard Mitigation Project has begun in north Scottsdale, with crews salvaging plants and cacti. During this operation salvage crews will be moving approximately 43 trees and larger cacti and an additional 76 smaller cacti into the plant nursery, which is located off Happy Valley Road east of Scottsdale Road.  

Once this phase of the project is complete, the contractor will begin clearing operations at the west corner of Pinnacle Peak Road and along the east wall of the wash from Los Portones to Miller Road. That will be followed by storm drain installation, sanitary sewer encasements, and new wall construction at Pinnacle Peak Road. Flood wall modifications will also begin along the east wall from Los Portones to Miller Road.

Construction Status:
Posted On: 10/11/2022 9:07:00 AM

Notice to Proceed for the Phase one of the Project is anticipated by October 17th to start the construction downstream of Miller Road alignment.

Design Status:
Posted On: 3/28/2022 2:47:41 PM

The Project is approved by the City of Scottsdale's Development Review Board (DRB).

Design Status
Posted On: 3/1/2022 7:53:54 AM

The project has been placed on the March 17, 2022 Scottsdale Design Review Board agenda.

Development Review Board (DRB) Submittal Status:
Posted On: 7/27/2021 7:24:01 AM

July 2021: the design team submitted the project to Scottsdale's Development Review Board (DRB) for their review and approval.

FEMA CLOMR Submittal Status:
Posted On: 7/27/2021 7:23:32 AM

June 2021: the design team submitted a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) to FEMA for their review and approval.

Public Meetings

Meeting Title: Project Update

Meeting Description:

Project Update to the Los Portones HOA Management Meeting

Meeting Location: Living Water Lutheran Church

9201 E Happy Valley Road



Meeting Date:

Meeting Time:
06:00 PM

Meeting Is Webinar: 0

Meeting Link:

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID:

Special Instructions to Connect:

Does this meeting have a pre-recorded video? 0

Video Link:

Video Survey:
The survey will be available until

Meeting Title: Virtual Public Meeting

Meeting Description:

Design for the project is almost complete. This public meeting will give updates on design and construction process as well as address next steps for the County, cities and public.

Meeting Location: Online




Meeting Date:

Meeting Time:

Meeting Is Webinar: 0

Meeting Link:

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID:

Special Instructions to Connect:

Does this meeting have a pre-recorded video? 1

Video Link:

Video Survey:
The survey will be available until

Project Documents

Document Name Description Document Type Filesize Posted On  
Main Presentation Main presentation slides for January's virtual public meeting. PDF 3 3/19/2021 1:33:54 PM View